Lowongan Magang TikTok Indonesia. Lokerutama.com adalah portal berita yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa penyedia informasi lowongan kerja. Kami berkomitmen untuk selalu memberikan informasi terbaik dan terpercaya. Kami berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk memberikan informasi yang bebas dari unsur penipuan. Dengan harapan informasi yang kami sampaikan dapat membantu para jobseeker saat ini dalam mendapatkan pekerjaan terbaik. Sampai saat ini Loker Utama memiliki beberapa macam media sosial antara lain Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Telegram yang diharapkan dapat mempermudah penyebaran informasi loker dengan terbaru kepada seluruh follower setia Loker Utama.
Pada masa pandemi saat ini sangat berdampak bagi dunia kerja di Indonesia, banyak pegawai atau karyawan yang terpaksa dirumahkan demi menyelamatkan kondisi perusahaan yang memburuk. Proses rekrutment yang terbatas sampai banyaknya perusahaan yang terpaksa gulur tikar dikarenakan perubahan besar yang terjadi sejak tahun 2020. Persaingan mendapatkan sebuah kerjaan semakin sulit dan terbatas, ditambah mobilitas yang dibatasi saat ini membuat proses pencarian kerja semakin sulit. Mempersiapkan diri menjadi pribadi yang siap menerima tantangan adalah salah satu kunci untuk memperbesar peluang mendapatkan sebuah pekerjaan. Persiapkan mental, wawasan dan skill merupakan hal wajib dimiliki jika ingin mendapatkan sebuah pekerjaan.
Ditengah sulitnya dunia kerja saat ini, muncul sebuah angin segar dalam dunia kerja dimana pendaftaraan CPNS dibuka tahun ini dan saat ini sedang dalam proses seleksi. Banyak orang yang menggantungkan harapan pada pekerjaan ini, sebuah pekerjaan yang terpandang dan berada di zona aman dan nyaman. Pekerjaan yang memiliki stigma sangat positif di masyarakat, sampai ada sebuah anggapan PNS adalah menantu idaman mertua. Jangan sia-siakan kesempatan ini, “Saya bisa dan harus yakin Saya pasti bisa”. Mumpung masih banyak kesempatan, maksimalkan waktu belajarmu dan latih diri dengan berbagai macam latihan soal yang banyak dan tersebar di Internet. Perhatikan jadwal seleksi dan ikuti semua aturan yang ada serta jangan pernah lupakan protokol kesehatan.
Lowongan Magang TikTok Indonesia Terbaru Oktober 2021
TikTok adalah sebuah jaringan sosial dan platform video musik yang berawal adari Tiongkok yang dluncurkan pada September 2016. TikTok adalah salah satu aplikasi yang sangat disukai oleh masyarakat pada saat ini, dimana melalui platfrom penggunanya dapat membagikan video tarian, nyanyian atau konten kreatif lainnnya yang berdurasi singkat (15 detik). TikTok dikembangkan oleh Beijing ByteDance Technology dan berasal dari Tiongkok. Dia bisa diunduh melalui Play Store untuk pengguna android dan App Store untuk pengguna iOS. Anda juga bisa membukanya melalui PC.
1. Creator Growth & Development intern (e-commerce)
- Actively enrolled University student
- Able to commit for at least 4 days a week for at least 3 months
- Strong communication and written skills in English and Bahasa. Ability to speak Mandarin will be a plus
- Familiar with different social apps and tools such as WhatsApp/Telegram
- Good understanding of content especially in TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and other content driven platforms
- Heavy user of E-commerce platforms
- Data driven, strong execution, collaborative, and time management skills; comfortable working in a fast-paced and dynamic environment
2. Campaign Operations Intern (e-commerce)
- Actively enrolled University student. Preferably in communication/marketing/e-commerce-related major
- Full-time intern who can work more than 4 months is a plus (5 days a week)
- Excellent stakeholder and project management skills. Strong ability to manage expectations, drive for performance and collaborate with internal stakeholders under tight timeliness and pressure
- Independent and self-motivated, with good end-to-end ownership of projects. Open to taking on new and ambiguous projects
- Able to multi-task and prioritise under pressure
- An analytical and structured thinker, strong with understanding and deriving insights from data
- Strong communication and writing skills. Good command of English
- Prior internships in marketing, e-commerce platforms, creative agencies will be a bonus
- Please state your availability clearly on your resume (start date, end date)
3. Merchandise Operations Intern (e-commerce)
- Actively enrolled University student who is able to work 4-5 days a week for at least 3 months
- Have a strong sense of responsibility, patience, detail-oriented and have a basic understanding of e-commerce
- Familiar with basic office software, especially Excel with certain data analysis ability
- Must be fluent in English for daily communication, strong ability to work under pressure
- Have experience in consulting/securities firm or e-commerce operation is preferred
4. Content strategy and studio management intern (e-commerce)
- Actively enrolled University student
- Good written and verbal communication skills in English & Bahasa
- Detail-oriented and able to work proactively in a fast-paced environment
- Has experience producing/editing TikTok videos
- Knowledge of industry tools such as Adobe Photoshop, After Effects
- Experience in live streaming, creative production or advertising is a plus
5. E-commerce Electronics Category Intern
- Actively enrolled University student
- Good written and verbal communication skills in English & Bahasa
- Works comfortably with Microsoft excel and Office softwares
- Eager to learn, initiative taker and problem-solver
- Thrives in fast and dynamic environments
- Meticulous and tidy in work
- Good analytical thinker
6. E-commerce Home & Living Category Intern
- Actively enrolled University student
- Good written and verbal communication skills in English & Bahasa
- Works comfortably with Microsoft excel and Office softwares
- Eager to learn, initiative taker and problem-solver
- Thrives in fast and dynamic environments
- Good time management
- Meticulous and tidy in work
- Good analytical thinker
7. E-commerce Fashion Category Intern
- Actively enrolled University student
- Good written and verbal communication skills in English & Bahasa
- Good analytical thinker
- Eager to learn, hard worker and motivated
8. E-commerce Health & Beauty Category Intern
- Actively enrolled University student
- Good written and verbal communication skills in English & Bahasa
- Works comfortably with Microsoft excel and Office softwares
- Eager to learn, initiative taker and problem-solver
- Thrives in fast and dynamic environments
- Good time management
- Meticulous and tidy in work
- Good analytical thinker
9. Music Discovery & Promotions Intern
- Marketing related background with a strong digital strategy understanding
- Good understanding of local indie music scene
- Good knowledge of TikTok short video and content creations
- Passionate about Music and Digital Content
- Good written and oral english skills
- Responsible and self-driven
10. Community Internship (E-Commerce)
- Bachelor degree, Final year University students welcomed to apply;
- Willing to work in workday schedules;
- Passionate about entertainment apps and E-Commerce Industry;
- Comfortable working in a highly collaborative environment, ability to work in a team and proactively;
- Prior experience in communication, project management, or operation role is preferable.
- Good communication in English
11. E-Commerce Intern
- Bachelor degree and above
- Able to communicate in Bahasa and English fluently
- Proficient in using various office software, good at making various commonly used forms, and have priority copywriting ability
- Good at communication and teamwork, strong learning ability, strong ability to withstand pressure, strong sense of responsibility, pragmatic and reliable, and proactive
12. Community Operations Internship
- University students are welcome to apply.
- Willing to work on workday schedules.
- Passionate about entertainment apps.
- Comfortable working in a highly collaborative environment, ability to work in a team and proactively.
- Prior experience in communication, offline, or operation role is preferable.
- Good communication in English
13. E-commerce Operations Intern (e-commerce)
- Undergraduate or graduate students who can work for 4 days or more per week, and work for more than 3 months
- Prefer to have some experience in event planning, project coordination and project promotion/selling ability
- Fluent in English, able to perform basic English business communication and translation
14. Marketing Operation Intern — Indonesia
- Currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Communications or related field. Recent graduates with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing or Communications will be considered
- Fluent in English
- Able to work full time
- Familiarity with latest local trend and social media influencers
- Eager to learn skills across a variety of marketing specialties
- Excellent written and communication skill
- Comfortable working in a highly collaborative environment and ability to work independently and proactively
- Prior experience in marketing, communication or operation role is preferable
Baca Juga : Lowongan Kerja Swasta Terbaru
Sekedar Informasi
- Hati-hati dengan lowongan kerja yang mengunakan biro jasa travel/sejenis dalam proses perekrutannya, karena ditakutkan penipuan
- Siapkan CV dan berkas lamaran terbaik agar memperbesar peluang dipanggil
Cara Mendaftar
- Daftarkan dirimu secara online melalui link berikut : [KLIK DISINI]
Lebih berhati-hati dengan informasi lowongan penipuan, pastikan cek terlebih dahulu alamat tempat seleksi dengan alamat resmi perusahaan. Jika kalian menemukan penipuan informasi lowongan kerja di situs ini, mohon untuk menghubungi admin di Instagram @loker.utama