Lowongan Kerja Tokopedia. Lokerutama.com adalah portal berita yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa penyedia informasi lowongan kerja. Kami berkomitmen untuk selalu memberikan informasi terbaik dan terpercaya. Kami berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk memberikan informasi yang bebas dari unsur penipuan. Dengan harapan informasi yang kami sampaikan dapat membantu para jobseeker saat ini dalam mendapatkan pekerjaan terbaik. Sampai saat ini Loker Utama memiliki beberapa macam media sosial antara lain Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Telegram yang diharapkan dapat mempermudah penyebaran informasi loker dengan terbaru kepada seluruh follower setia Loker Utama.
Pada masa pandemi saat ini sangat berdampak bagi dunia kerja di Indonesia, banyak pegawai atau karyawan yang terpaksa dirumahkan demi menyelamatkan kondisi perusahaan yang memburuk. Proses rekrutment yang terbatas sampai banyaknya perusahaan yang terpaksa gulur tikar dikarenakan perubahan besar yang terjadi sejak tahun 2020. Persaingan mendapatkan sebuah kerjaan semakin sulit dan terbatas, ditambah mobilitas yang dibatasi saat ini membuat proses pencarian kerja semakin sulit. Mempersiapkan diri menjadi pribadi yang siap menerima tantangan adalah salah satu kunci untuk memperbesar peluang mendapatkan sebuah pekerjaan. Persiapkan mental, wawasan dan skill merupakan hal wajib dimiliki jika ingin mendapatkan sebuah pekerjaan.
Ditengah sulitnya dunia kerja saat ini, muncul sebuah angin segar dalam dunia kerja dimana pendaftaraan CPNS dibuka tahun ini dan saat ini sedang dalam proses seleksi. Banyak orang yang menggantungkan harapan pada pekerjaan ini, sebuah pekerjaan yang terpandang dan berada di zona aman dan nyaman. Pekerjaan yang memiliki stigma sangat positif di masyarakat, sampai ada sebuah anggapan PNS adalah menantu idaman mertua. Jangan sia-siakan kesempatan ini, “Saya bisa dan harus yakin Saya pasti bisa”. Mumpung masih banyak kesempatan, maksimalkan waktu belajarmu dan latih diri dengan berbagai macam latihan soal yang banyak dan tersebar di Internet. Perhatikan jadwal seleksi dan ikuti semua aturan yang ada serta jangan pernah lupakan protokol kesehatan.
Lowongan Kerja Tokopedia Terbaru Mei 2022
Tokopedia merupakan perusahaan perdagangan elektronik atau sering disebut toko daring. Sejak didirikan pada tahun 2009, Tokopedia telah bertransformasi menjadi sebuah unicorn yang berpengaruh tidak hanya di Indonesia tetapi juga di Asia Tenggara. Hingga saat ini, Tokopedia termasuk marketplace yang paling banyak dikunjungi oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Tokopedia menyediakan teknologi sebagai solusi untuk memberdayakan jutaan penjual dan konsumen agar dapat berpartisipasi membangun masa depan perdagangan. Tokopedia bergerak dalam bidang e commerce yang menyediakan sarana jual beli untuk pengguna.
1. Account Manager
- Identify business prospects and sell Tokopedia Marketing Solutions.
- Build and maintain good relationships with business partners/clients.
- Develop and execute strategies to help our partners achieve their business objectives.
- Handle end to end client relationship – Intel gathering, pitching, tailor solutions, account management, and closing deals.
- Identify opportunities to grow our business by having visibility into clients’ short/long term plans.
- Responsible for account planning, building sales pipeline, and revenue forecast, and attain sales target.
- Work closely with Optimization Managers to ensure delivery and optimizations of our deliverables are maximized for both client’s and Tokopedia’s best interest.
- Collaborate with cross-functional teams (Product, Data Analyst, Measurement, Marketing, etc) in order to generate the best outcome for clients and Tokopedia.
- Have strong interest and/or experience in account management, business development, and sales.
- Bachelor degree and have minimal experience 1 to 2 years experience in related fields
- Would be a plus to have experience in Digital Media, Online Marketing, and Advertising.
- Loves problem-solving, proactive, and self-motivated.
- Results-oriented and comfortable to be working & delivering against strict sales target
- Have a natural liking to engage in conversations and building relationships with people.
- Highly analytical and comfortable working with data and complex products/processes
2. Senior Account Manager
- Identify business prospects and sell Tokopedia Marketing Solutions.
- Build and maintain good relationships with business partners/clients.
- Develop and execute strategies to help our partners achieve their business objectives.
- Handle end to end client relationship – Intel gathering, pitching, tailor solutions, account management, and closing deals.
- Identify opportunities to grow our business by having visibility into clients’ short/long term plans.
- Responsible for account planning, building sales pipeline, and revenue forecast, and attain sales target.
- Work closely with Optimization Managers to ensure delivery and optimizations of our deliverables are maximized for both client’s and Tokopedia’s best interest.
- Collaborate with cross-functional teams (Product, Data Analyst, Measurement, Marketing, etc) in order to generate the best outcome for clients and Tokopedia.
- Have strong interest and/or experience in account management, business development, and sales.
- Bachelor degree and have minimal experience 3 years experience in related fields
- Would be a plus to have experience in Digital Media, Online Marketing, and Advertising.
- Loves problem-solving, proactive, and self-motivated.
- Results-oriented and comfortable to be working & delivering against strict sales target
- Have a natural liking to engage in conversations and building relationships with people.
- Highly analytical and comfortable working with data and complex products/processes
3. Optimization Administrator
- Act as a Tokopedia Marketing Solutions expert and have a deep understanding of how to optimize Tokopedia marketing advertisement tools
- Continuously find ways to optimize clients’ campaign performance using Tokopedia internal tools.
- Analyze performance, generate a report on campaign results, and present it to clients.
- Make sure campaign delivery is running as expected.
- Will work closely with the Account Manager, Relationship Manager, channel owner, and tech team for bug reports for any issues that happen with campaigns.
- Constantly evolve best practices and share them with internal/external stakeholders.
- Collaborate closely with Account Managers to grow the business and align priorities.
Minimum Qualifications
- Have a minimum of 1 year of experience in Marketing, or fresh graduates are welcome to apply.
- Have a strong interest and/or experience in operations, analytics, working with data, and reporting.
- Have experience working on performance metrics in the digital advertisement
- Results-oriented and comfortable working & delivering against sales targets.
Preferred Skills
- Prior experience in using advertisement within e-commerce and being able to strategize internal eCommerce advertisement tools such as TopAds will be a plus.
- Ability to work with big brands to SMEs and strive for better results for clients.
- Able to work with the team.
4. Senior Associate Proactive Performance Monitoring
Develop an instantaneous alert system based on clients’ digital marketing performance daily to be fed to all salespeople so that they can take appropriate action. Scope includes:
- Data collection
- Data analysis
- Data presentation
- Insight generation
- Problems identifications
- Formulate Solutions/Recommendations
- Categorize key action points for new opportunities to scale revenue/sell more due to good performance
- Categorize key action points for new opportunities to improve performance and optimize campaign settings
- Troubleshooting issues in campaign delivery
- Identify fixes on broken product/features
- Hold Sales leaders accountable for following up with the output of the recommendations to ensure all action points are executed and communicated accordingly
Minimum Qualifications
- 3+ years of digital marketing experience
- Have hands-on experience in media planning, media buying, optimizations, and reporting of digital marketing.
- Familiarity with digital marketing metrics and jargon.
- Understanding of Ad-tech landscape is a plus.
- Good communications and articulations skills in both Bahasa & English
- Good stakeholder management skills and love working with people from diverse backgrounds
- Good at working with data, able to process data into actionable insights & recommendations
- Good skill at the visualization of complex data
- Good presentation and good storytelling skills
- Comfortable and good at working with presentations (PPT, Google Slides)
- Comfortable and good at working with spreadsheets (Excel, Google Sheets)
- Having sales experience is a plus
5. Senior Associate Reporting
- Monitoring and generating insights for Tokopedia campaign performance
- Generate a report with comprehensive insights for Tokopedia big campaigns
- Present findings and recommendations to internal stakeholders such as Head, Account Manager, and Strategic Planning Team
- Collaborate with data analyst and operations team to enable important metrics for insights generation
- Lead team’s initiatives to improve scalability and insights quality
- Support in maintaining insights quality generated by the team
Minimum Qualifications
- Have minimum 3 years of experience
- Preferably candidate has exposure to an online marketing campaign
- Preferably candidate has experience working on an e-commerce platform
- Proficient in Microsoft Office, especially Excel and PowerPoint
- Fluent in Indonesian and working-level English skills are required
Baca juga: Lowongan Kerja Swasta Terbaru
Sekedar Informasi
- Hati-hati dengan lowongan kerja yang menggunakan biro jasa travel/sejenis dalam proses perekrutannya, karena ditakutkan penipuan
- Siapkan CV dan berkas lamaran terbaik agar memperbesar peluang dipanggil
Cara Mendaftar
- Daftarkan dirimu secara online melalui link berikut :
- Posisi Account Manager [KLIK DISINI]
- Posisi Senior Account Manager [KLIK DISINI]
- Posisi Optimization Administrator [KLIK DISINI]
- Posisi Senior Associate Proactive Performance Monitoring [KLIK DISINI]
- Posisi Senior Associate Reporting [KLIK DISINI]
- Join Telegram Loker Utama Indonesia [Klik Disini]
Lebih berhati-hati dengan informasi lowongan penipuan, pastikan cek terlebih dahulu alamat tempat seleksi dengan alamat resmi perusahaan. Jika kalian menemukan penipuan informasi lowongan kerja di situs ini, mohon untuk menghubungi admin di Instagram @loker.utama