Lowongan Kerja Pou Chen Corporation (Pou Chen). Lokerutama.com adalah portal berita yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa penyedia informasi lowongan kerja. Kami berkomitmen untuk selalu memberikan informasi terbaik dan terpercaya. Kami berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk memberikan informasi yang bebas dari unsur penipuan. Dengan harapan informasi yang kami sampaikan dapat membantu para jobseeker saat ini dalam mendapatkan pekerjaan terbaik. Sampai saat ini Loker Utama memiliki beberapa macam media sosial antara lain Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Telegram yang diharapkan dapat mempermudah penyebaran informasi loker dengan terbaru kepada seluruh follower setia Loker Utama.
Pada masa pandemi saat ini sangat berdampak bagi dunia kerja di Indonesia, banyak pegawai atau karyawan yang terpaksa dirumahkan demi menyelamatkan kondisi perusahaan yang memburuk. Proses rekrutment yang terbatas sampai banyaknya perusahaan yang terpaksa gulur tikar dikarenakan perubahan besar yang terjadi sejak tahun 2020. Persaingan mendapatkan sebuah kerjaan semakin sulit dan terbatas, ditambah mobilitas yang dibatasi saat ini membuat proses pencarian kerja semakin sulit. Mempersiapkan diri menjadi pribadi yang siap menerima tantangan adalah salah satu kunci untuk memperbesar peluang mendapatkan sebuah pekerjaan. Persiapkan mental, wawasan dan skill merupakan hal wajib dimiliki jika ingin mendapatkan sebuah pekerjaan.
Ditengah sulitnya dunia kerja saat ini, muncul sebuah angin segar dalam dunia kerja dimana pendaftaraan CPNS dibuka tahun ini dan saat ini sedang dalam proses seleksi. Banyak orang yang menggantungkan harapan pada pekerjaan ini, sebuah pekerjaan yang terpandang dan berada di zona aman dan nyaman. Pekerjaan yang memiliki stigma sangat positif di masyarakat, sampai ada sebuah anggapan PNS adalah menantu idaman mertua. Jangan sia-siakan kesempatan ini, “Saya bisa dan harus yakin Saya pasti bisa”. Mumpung masih banyak kesempatan, maksimalkan waktu belajarmu dan latih diri dengan berbagai macam latihan soal yang banyak dan tersebar di Internet. Perhatikan jadwal seleksi dan ikuti semua aturan yang ada serta jangan pernah lupakan protokol kesehatan.
Lowongan Kerja Pou Chen Corporation (Pou Chen) Terbaru Agustus 2022
Pou Chen Corporation (Pou Chen) didirikan pada September 1969 dengan alas kaki kanvas dan karet sebagai produk utama pada awalnya. Setelah itu, Pou Chen fokus pada manufaktur sepatu atletik dan kasual, dan juga telah berkembang menjadi bisnis pemegang lisensi merek dan bisnis ritel pakaian olahraga dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Saat ini, Pou Chen telah mengubah dirinya menjadi perusahaan induk industri, dua bisnis intinya, alas kaki dan ritel, sebagian besar dioperasikan oleh anak perusahaan dan afiliasinya (secara kolektif, Grup Pou Chen atau Grup).
1. HR Recruitment Staff
- Source candidates using a variety of search methods to build a robust candidate pipeline
- Screen candidates by reviewing resumes and job applications, and performing phone screenings
- Take ownership of candidate experience by designing and managing it develop job postings, job descriptions, and position requirements
- Facilitate the offer process by extending the offer and negotiation employment terms
- Manage onboarding and new hire process
- Stay abreast of recruiting trends and best practices
- Manage the overall interview, selection, and closing process
- Ensure all screening, hiring, and selection is done in accordance with employment laws and regulations
- Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources, Business Administration, or related field 1 year of recruiting experience preferred
- Demonstrated ability to establish effective and cooperative working relationships built on trust
- Excellent organizational and time management skills
- Comfortable making decisions independently
- Working knowledge of applicant tracking and HRIS systems
- Ability to manage a wide range of relationships with a variety of stakeholders
- Proficient in Microsoft Office
- Familiar with a wide variety of sourcing avenues
2. Language Professional Staff (Mandarin)
- Project Management
- Communicate and Cooperate with Different Stakeholders within our Company
- Assist & Responsible for tasks and projects assigned by Supervisors
- At least a bachelor’s degree or above
- Language Capabilities: Mandarin (preferably HSK 5, ability to speak English is a huge advantage)
- Project management skill
- Problem-solving & Analytical skills, Presentation skills
- Willing to Learn/Try New Things
3. Legal Staff
- Drafting and reviewing the agreement and legal documents
- Conducting legal research, litigation, and case analysis
- Writing legal opinion
- Managing licenses
- Bachelor of Law
- Minimum 5 years of work experience in the field of legal
- Deeply understand civil law, labor law, company law, and procedural law in Indonesia
- Detail and target-oriented
- Has experience in leading a team or projects
- Has deep knowledge and experience in drafting & reviewing agreements, case analysis, litigation, and licensing
- English skill is a must, and Mandarin is a plus
4. IT Software Engineer
- Setting up and installing new hardware and software systems
- Diagnosing and troubleshooting computer issues
- Maintaining hardware and software by conducting regular maintenance and updates
- Identifying and resolving network, connectivity, and server issues
- Upgrading firmware, software, and outdated hardware systems
- Monitoring and maintaining security systems and installing updates
- Providing technical support to users and resolving technical errors
- Performing regular tests, upgrades, and backups
- Preparing technical documents, such as error and maintenance reports
- At least 1 year of experience as a computer technician or in a similar role (Fresh graduates are welcome)
- Bachelor of Informatics Engineering
- Proficiency in computer operating systems, such as MS Windows, MAC OS, and Linux
- Exceptional working knowledge of computer systems, including networks, servers, and system maintenance
- Good understanding of computer equipment, including laptops, servers, printers, and routers
- Good written and verbal communication skills
5. IT Hardware & Networking Engineer
- Setting up and installing new hardware and software systems
- Diagnosing and troubleshooting computer issues
- Maintaining hardware and software by conducting regular maintenance and updates
- Identifying and resolving network, connectivity, and server issues
- Upgrading firmware, software, and outdated hardware systems
- Monitoring and maintaining security systems and installing updates
- Providing technical support to users and resolving technical errors
- Performing regular tests, upgrades, and backups
- Preparing technical documents, such as error and maintenance reports
- Bachelor of Informatics Engineering or System Information
- At least 1 year of experience as a computer technician or in a similar role (Fresh graduates are welcome)
- Proficiency in computer operating systems, such as MS Windows, MAC OS, and Linux
- Exceptional working knowledge of computer systems, including networks, servers, and system maintenance
- Good understanding of computer equipment, including laptops, servers, printers, and routers
- Good written and verbal communication skills
6. IT Staff (Mandarin-Speaking)
- Handle IT-related projects
- Communicate and cooperate with different stakeholders for IT-related purposes
- Assist & be responsible for tasks and projects assigned by Supervisors
- At least a bachelor’s degree or above in IT fields
- Language Capabilities: Mandarin (preferably HSK 5, ability to speak English is a huge advantage)
- Project management skills
- Problem-solving & Analytical skills, Presentation skills
- Willing to Learn/Try New Things
7. SD-ESH Environment & Energy Protection Staff
- Manage regular report through Environment reports system (SIMPEL) and direct to DLH Serang in order to comply regulation and environmental documents (AMDAL & UKL UPL).
- Communicate with factory regarding the environment report, sampling activities (water and air sampling) and review technical sampling issue of environment which will be impacting the company.
- Collect environmental documents for brand audits and Environmental Government audit needs (PROPER & Supervision DLH Serang)
- Report and review the update regulations in order to comply with government regulation.
- Bachelor degree of Environment Engineering/Public Health (environment focus)/ Chemical Engineering.
- Comprehensive understanding of Environment Management.
- Understand SIMPEL, KLHK, and PROPER.
- Possessing environment skills certificate such as Hazardous Waste Management (BNSP), PPPA (BNSP), 5) PPPU (BNSP), or related certified environmental & energy.
- Having good knowledge and experience to handle matters related to AMDAL, PROPER, Industri HIjau, and environmental global issues.
- English communication skill is a must.
8. SD Environment Safety & Health Staff
- Check monthly join inspection report
- Check all ESH report to HQ and internal
- Arrange team project
- Handle case investigation
- Monitoring team members’ job desk
- Bachelor degree of Public Health (Sarjana Kesehatan Masyarakat) or any related field
- Understand about ISO related ESH
- Understand more about Environmental Management
- Understand about SMK3
- Can operate MS Office (word, excel, ppt, etc.)
- At least 2 years of working experience, fresh graduate is eligible to apply
- Has AK3U Certificate and other certificates related to ESH
- English Speaking is a must
9. Finance & Accounting Staff
- Develop Financial Reports & Statements
- Develop Financial Analysis & Internal Audit
- Develop Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) report
- Develop Fluctuation Sales & Report
- Bachelor Degree in Accounting/Tax
- Good Analytical Skill
- Good Communication Skill
- Understand IFRS & PSAK, SAP Application
- Able to operate Microsoft Office
- Good in English Spoken & Written (Minimum TOEIC 550/ TOEFL ITP 560)
- Able to work alone or with the team
- Good personality (responsible, optimistic)
- Fresh graduates are welcome
10. Finance & Accounting Staff (Mandarin-Speaking)
- Develop Financial Reports & Statements
- Develop Financial Analysis & Internal Audit
- Develop Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) report
- Develop Fluctuation Sales & Report
- Bachelor Degree in Accounting/Tax
- Good Analytical Skill
- Good Communication Skill
- Understand IFRS & PSAK, SAP Application
- Able to operate Microsoft Office
- Good in English Spoken & Written (Minimum TOEIC 550/ TOEFL ITP 560), good in Mandarin Spoken and Written
- Able to work alone or with the team
- Good personality (responsible, optimistic)
- Fresh graduates are welcome
11. Export & Import Staff
- Be responsible for all of the Export and import process or responsible for Local export and import process in factory
- Create a customs (BC) document of export and import on system
- Communicate with supervisor, marketing from factory, customs officer, and etc.
- Check and make sure for process Export and Import
- Bachelor Degree in International Trade or other major.
- Proven 2 years of working experience in Export and Import Manufacturing company with Bonded Zone (Kawasan Berikat)
- Good English
- Familiar with customs document of Oversea: BC 2.3, BC 3.0, and BC 3.3
- Familiar with customs document of Local : BC 2.7, BC 2.6 1, BC 2.6 2, BC 4.0, BC 4.1 and BC 2.5
- Familiar with IT Inventory system, PEB, and PIB system. SAP system is a plus
- Able to use MS Office(Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
- Experienced in customs audit and bonded factory is preferred
*Placement : Serang, Banten
Baca juga: Lowongan Kerja Swasta Terbaru
Sekedar Informasi
- Hati-hati dengan lowongan kerja yang menggunakan biro jasa travel/sejenis dalam proses perekrutannya, karena ditakutkan penipuan
- Siapkan CV dan berkas lamaran terbaik agar memperbesar peluang dipanggil
Cara Mendaftar
- Daftarkan dirimu secara online melalui link berikut : [KLIK DISINI]
- Join Telegram Loker Utama Indonesia [Klik Disini]
Lebih berhati-hati dengan informasi lowongan penipuan, pastikan cek terlebih dahulu alamat tempat seleksi dengan alamat resmi perusahaan. Jika kalian menemukan penipuan informasi lowongan kerja di situs ini, mohon untuk menghubungi admin di Instagram @loker.utama